Before your dog is accepted into daycare, you must fill out the Pet Personality Profile and Pet Care Services Agreement & Hold Harmless forms, which gives us an initial peek at your dog’ behavior any potential issues that we may want to discuss with you in greater detail. Contact Us to set up reservation for an Initial Behavior Evaluation.
We provide early-socialization exposure to puppies 12 weeks and older through puppy daycare. Owners can choose from half-day or full-day daycare. We encourage puppies to start with half-day daycare to expose, but not overwhelm them. As they master the half-day experience, then can advance to a full day of puppy play.
The puppies will be spoiled with their very own dedicated indoor play area and rotate to outdoor play, just like adult doggy daycare.
We will be scheduling nap time from 11:30AM to 12:30PM daily for those puppies participating in full-day daycare.
If your puppy is younger than 9 months, we recommend brining lunch, please bring their food in a zip lock baggie with their name on it. They will be served lunch at the beginning of their nap/rest time.
As puppies grow and mature in their daycare play skills, they can advance to adult doggy daycare. Every puppy is unique in their growth and development (just like humans!) so the timing of the transition to adult daycare will be customized for each dog. All puppies must be spayed or neutered to attend adult daycare.
U Dirty Dawg Puppy Program
The most important time in your dog’s training is when they are a puppy. UDD will teach your puppy to become a happy and well-adjusted dog.
Puppy Program Schedule
Puppy Program Requirements